Pwonderss write!

What you must know and practice as a true gentleman. The lifestyle of a true gentleman, not just in words but in deeds. To all who are gentleman, thus cool, but learn to be a true gentleman, if you aren’t well start now and make that difference. A true gentleman shows chivalry.

Below are the 31 qualities of a true gentleman. I love true gentlemen.

A true gentleman;

* Is God fearing: A true gentleman knows and reverence God always.

* Is respectful and polite to all: he shows respect to everyone, both old and young, mighty and small and especially to women.

* Is honest and open: Says it as it is, no two way about it.


* Opens door for a lady: girls and women should be treated as ladies as the manner of a true gentleman is. You open the car door for her, the door at the office, home, shops.

car door

* Makes reservations: don’t invite a lady or friend out without making reservations, what so ever and disgrace yourself. Thus not the nature of a true gentleman. If you get  there and all the seats are occupied what would you do? you stand and  wait for the next person to exist their seats. Oooh no, my gentlemen. Make it right, make reservations.

* Is punctual: Never, ever keep a lady waiting, always be in time. Don’t let her wait for you, even if she’s late, the question here is when did you arrive, perhaps five minutes ago.

* Says please & thank you: Don’t feel too big and pompous, apologize when you miss it and appreciate every little thing and efforts. That doesn’t make you less a man, it actually show you’re a primo.

* Helps her to be seated: A true gentleman pulls the chair out for her and make sure she’s properly seated, before he takes his sit. Don’t just be in the hurry to sit, be a gentleman.

* Gives up his seat: Giving up your seat as a gentleman, doesn’t mean you’re a fool but shows how a gentleman you’re, giving up your seat in the bus, train, bus stops, shops.

* Give her his jacket: Oh how nice it is for a gentleman to give his sister, friend or wife, his jacket during rainy, snowing and freezing days. It shows you care as a gentleman.

* Rise when she enter and exist the room: A true gentleman, rise when a lady enter the room, you also rise when she excuse the table on a date or meeting, and when she returns, if you wouldn’t stand completely, just rise a bit at least, thus a nature of a true gentleman.

* Helps a lady with her coat: It’s not wrong as a gentleman to help a lady with her coat, ask, may I ?and offer that help with her coat.

* Pays: Hey guys! Pay here doesn’t mean, go about spending your cash unnecessarily, no! If you take a lady out, pay and don’t let her see the bills, just pay. Even if she ask to pay, object and don’t allow her pay, do the paying, thus a gentleman, in a car with her, pay.

* Gives compliments: A true gentleman gives compliments sincerely and often. “Lovely dress, you look so beautiful in it”.

* Mind his table manners: As a gentleman, you must not over look your table manners, don’t chew with your mouth open and avoid talking while mouth is full,know the direction of your fork and knife. A key as a gentleman.

* Listens: A gentleman have a good listening behavior always, that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t talk, no but you listen attentively, so as to make good choices.

* Pay attention to details: A nature of a true gentleman is to pay attention to details, take mental notes, as possible, take notice of her likes, dislikes, colours, shoe size etc. Be detailed always as a true gentleman.

* Take responsibility for his actions and decisions: A true gentleman is one that is always responsible and take up responsibility for his own deeds, doesn’t blame others for his own deeds and mistakes but responsible for them.

* Support his partner’s visions and goals: Do you call yourself a gentleman, you don’t support your partner in her visions and goals. Huh why not support her all the way till it’s all done as a true gent.

* Show affection always: showing affection is a great characteristics of a true gentleman, don’t abandon your partner when things get tough, be there for her and show all the affection and care ever. Be that gentleman.

* Is a jack of all trade: it’s mostly said, jack of all trade, master of none, yes, as a gentleman you have to have an idea of almost everything and know how to do many things, that doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be a master in your chosen field. Be a star in your chosen field, but have an idea about most things.

* Gets her safely to her door: make sure she’s safe after a date, get her safely to her door especially when it’s late in the night, show care and make sure she’s safe as a true gentleman .

* Never rude, to bartenders, waiters, or anyone else for that matter: A true gentleman is never rude not at the restaurant, bar, shop or anywhere else. Be that true gent, don’t be rude.

* Shows initiatives: some men lack initiatives, ooh no not a gentleman. Always have something new cooking, never invite a lady on a date without a destination in mind, thus not the nature of a true gent.

* Keeps his word and a secret: A true gent, should be trusted with a secret, one who can keep secret till death, and always keeps to his words, not the one who goes against his own words, thus like taking your own hurl back.

* Know and place God first and then family: A true gentleman gives God his rightful place in his life and home, and makes sure his family is next on the line, spend quality ti with family, go out with them, show love and care always. Be the next gentleman every woman would love to be with.

*Compromise: compromise is not a weakness as a true gent, but a virtue. Compromise and do it wisely as a gentleman.

* Is a feminist: A true gentleman is aware feminism is the belief that both men and women deserves to be treated equally and have absolutely no issues with that, but respects, and advocates equal right for women.

* Is wise: A true gentleman is one full of wisdom, good sense of humour, common sense in practical matters, good judgment and always a step ahead.

* Ask & seek her family’s blessing before proposing and taking her in marriage: A good and true gentleman, seeks the blessing of the woman’s family before saying I do, cause that blessing would go a long way.

* Never hits a woman, ever: No true gentleman would hit any woman, not for any reason what so ever. Control that anger and don’t extend it to the lady.

I know you are a true gentleman, and understands all the above, I love you for being a true gentleman. Kudos and congrats to all true gentleman. In our world today, most of these true gentleman qualities are lacking, yes, because of how we live and treat ourselves, but let all come together and start that change to bring out the gentleness in our men.

There’s one gentleman, I wanna acknowledge, and he is Mr. Jacob Kwaku Gyan, a good friend and brother.

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Thanks for reading.

Ladies watch out for 31 qualities of a true lady!!!

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